indian overseas bank recruitment 2023 சட்ட படிப்பு படித்த வழக்கறிஞர்களுக்கு இந்தியன் ஓவர்சீஸ் வங்கியில் வேலைவாய்ப்பு உடனே விண்ணப்பியுங்கள்
advocate recruitment 2023 வழக்கறிஞர்களுக்கு இந்தியன் ஓவர்சீஸ் வங்கியில் வேலைவாய்ப்பு
indian overseas bank recruitment 2023
Indian Overseas Bank, a leading Public Sector Bank with headquarters in Chennai having geographical presence all over India and abroad invites online applications from qualified and experienced professionals for recruitment against 66 Vacancies for Specialist Officers for the various posts in MMG Scale II, III and SMG Scale IV.
Interested candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria may apply online from 06.11.2023 to 19.11.2023 by visiting our website No other mode of application will be accepted. Before applying,
candidates are advised to read this advertisement carefully and ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria. They should note that Application Fee / Intimation charges once deposited will neither be refunded nor be adjusted against any other recruitment process. Candidates are advised to fill their particulars Online by themselves correctly.

Law Jobs 2023
இந்தியன் ஓவர்சீஸ் வங்கியில் காலியாக உள்ள மேலாளர் பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்கலாம் என அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகி உள்ளது
பணி:- Manager (Law) Senior Manager (Law)
கல்வித் தகுதி:-
Manager (Law)
Full Time Degree in Law Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and 2 years of experience as practicing Advocate plus 3 years of work experience as Law officer in the legal department of a Schedule Commercial Bank/ Private Sector Bank/ NBFCs (or) 5 years of work experience as Law Officer in the legal department of a Schedule Commercial/ Private Sector Bank/ NBFCs
Senior Manager (Law)
Full Time Degree in Law Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and 2 years of experience as practicing Advocate plus 5 years of work experience as Law officer in the legal department of a Schedule Commercial Bank/ Private Sector Bank/ NBFCs (or) 7 years of work experience as law Officer in the Legal department of Schedule Commercial Bank/ Private Sector Bank/ NBFCs
வயது வரம்பு:-
Manager (Law) பணிக்கு 18 வயது முதல் 35 வயதிற்க்குள் இருக்கவேண்டும்
Senior Manager (Law) பணிக்கு 18 வயது முதல் 30 வயதிற்க்குள் இருக்கவேண்டும்
விண்ணப்ப கட்டணம்:- SC/ST/ PWD – Rs. 175/ Others – Rs. 850/-
விண்ணப்பிக்க கடைசி நாள்:- 19.11.2023